Solved assignment 2 for b.ed program course 513 is being
shared with you all dear students. This is nazm o nasiq madrias program. First
question is being related with the importance of inspection or checking of
educational institution. Moreover it is that what the ways of inspection of
educational institution of primary and secondary level. The second questions is
that why professional training is needed to the teachers, further what are the
difference between teaching ways of trained and untrained teachers. Moreover
check the current different systems of training to the teachers.
Question # 03 what the building has main role in educational
system. Explain what things are needed to improve the education in institute.
For example in construction of building, design of building, dispensary, play
ground etc.
Question # 04 what is the meaning of time table, principles of
making a balanced time table.
Question # 5 Taleemi idraon main hum nisabi sargarmiyun kay
kiya muqasid hain? In hum nisabi sargarmiyun ki tanzeem o nigrani kay osool
mufasal biyan karain?
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