
Tuesday, December 15, 2015



Q 02:
What is sentence?
Whenever we speak or write, we use words. A group o words, as Aslam plays hockey, which makes complete sense, is called a sentence. Sentences are usually divided into four classes.
         I.            Statement or Assertions (Assertive):- As “There is some water in the glass” or “I like him vey much”.
        II.            Question (Interrogative):- As “Where do you live?” or How do you do?.
      III.            Command or Request (Imperative): As “Keep quite. Or please give me a glass of water.
      IV.            Those which express strong feelings (Exclamatory):- As “How sweet are you! Or Alas! The game is over.

Subject and Predict:- In a sentence we have:-
(a)     Name o some person or thing.
(b)     Say something about hat person or thing.

The first part is called a subject and the second, a predicate. For example in the sentence. Arshad has a fine pen. Arshad is the subject, the rest of the sentence, (i.e. has a fine pen), the predicate. The subject of a sentence, usually comes first (Example (i) below), but occasionally, in the passive voice or in some proverbs, it is put after the predicate (example (iv) below) as
(i)                   Arshad reads a book.
(ii)                 A book is read by Arshad.
(iii)                Sweets are the fruits of labor.
(iv)                Sit down please.

Sentence structure, sentence structure deals with the formation of sentences. A sentence is a combination of different letters. When we wish to say something about an object, we use a sentence. Therefore the sentence may be regarded as the mitt of combination. If then we wish to learn how o write a good paragraph and a good essay, we must first of all learn how to write a good sentence.  When letters join, hey make word and when words join, they make a sentence. The essentials of good sentence are Unity, Emphasis and Coherence.
UNITY:- By unity we mean that a sentence should deal with one and not with more than one main thought at a time. This does not mean that it must not contain more than one finite but the all parts of sentence should bear directly upon the main thought it is intended o convey.
EMPHASIS:-All ideas in a sentence are not of equal importance. There always arise necessity of emphasizing some off them. This emphasis can be secured in various ways. Some of which are much more acceptable then other.
The more important are:-
1.       By understanding or printing in italics.
2.       By using impersonal constructions.
3.       By placing important words at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.
4.       By the repetition of a word or phrase.
5.       By working use of the climax
6.       By inverting the normal order of words.

COHERENCE:- It is a bad sentence if it is not coherent. It means if its components are not arranged in logical order. Lack of coherence means lack of clearness. Sentence has three parts. There is an agent doing something and there is an action. The agent is called actor or to be more grammatical subject and his action is called verb. As:-
Subject (S) + Verb (V) + Object (O)
The teacher seams happy.
They wrote a letter.
We again come to definition of sentence.
Now we have understood that a group of words expressing a complete thought is a sentence. If a group of words does not express a complete thought, it is a fragment, or piece of sentence, no sentence.
Sentence: Aslam’s dress is beautiful
Fragment: Aslam’s dress is…………….

Fragments often seem to say something but they do not finish the statements they begin. They leave a question in our minds e.g. the sweet dish is …………..

PARTS OF SENTECE:- A sentence consists of two pars.
(i)                   The Subject                   (ii) The predicate.
The subject of a sentences is that part about which something is said. The subject in most sentence is a noun or pronoun. To find he subject of a sentence, ask, (a) who or what is doing the action (b) if there is no action then ask, who or what is being talked about.

SIMPLE SUBJECT:- The simple subject of sentence is a person o thing doing are being talked about. Sometimes other words describe or modify it. He simple subject plus all the other words related directly to it make up the complete subject. For example:- Some naughty children were laughing.

THE PREDICATE:- The predicate of a sentence is the verb and the related verbs / words that ell something about the subject. I can be a single word or it can be helped by auxiliary verbs. The main verb and its auxiliaries are called the complete verb or the verb phrase. They are the simple predicate. The simple predicate is often modified or accompanied with other words. The simple predicate plus all the other words that go with it make complete predicate: for example:-
= She has broken the window.
= What did the subject do?
The subject broke the window. So broken is the main verb and has is its auxiliary verb.
                Has broken------------- (simple predicate)
                Has broken the window ------------ (Complete predicate)
While writing, one can add many modifiers to help, describing or identify the simple subject and the simple predicate. This makes the writing more interesting and specific e.g.
I)                     Butterflies float.           II) Big colorful butterflies float through.

SENTENCE PATTERN:- All English sentences are created in accordance with a small number of basic patterns.
PATTERN 1 (SV) Subject + Verb
PATTERN 2 (SVO) Subject + Verb + Object
PATTERN 3 (SVIO) Subject + Verb + Indirect Verb
PATTERN 4 (SVN) Subject + Verb + Noun
PATTERN 5 (SVA) Subject + Verb + Predicate Adverb
PATTERN 6 (SVOC) Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Objective Complement.

Sentences are generally classified in two ways one by type and one by the number of formal predications.

                Declarative Sentences        =              Statements.
                Integrative Sentences         =              Questions.
                Imperative sentences         =              Commands, Request
                Exclamatory Sentences       =              Exclamations.

Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound Complex.

SIMPLE SENTENCES:- A simple sentence contains one independent clause. It’s thought is complete. A dependents clause needs other words to complete its meanings. It is not a sentence. It is a fragment. Thus a dependent clause can never be used as a simple sentence. For example, this book is easy (Independent Clause), since this book is easy (Dependent Clause). Both a sentence and a clause must have subject and a predicate. A simple sentence has one subject and one verb, either or both of which may be compound. If sentence can be divided into two or more independent sentences it is a compound sentence and the independent sentences are termed as simple sentences. For Example:-
1.       Gold is precious metal (Simple)
2.       Gold and Silver are precious metals (simple Sentences – Comp Subject)
3.       Gold is used in Jewelry and also goes into radio parts (simple Sentence – Compound Predicate)
4.       Gold and silver are expensive and will become more expensive in the future. (Simple sentence – Compound subject, compound predicate)


  1. goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddd dear
