Aiou B.Ed solved assignment 2 code 651
Q 2:
Ans. Translation
Translation is the act of translating. It means to change
from one language to another, to change into another medium of form: as to
translate into action, to interrupt, to transfer, to change, to transform, a
chance alteration to a different substance, form or appearance. Translation is
the act or process of rendering what is expressed is one language or set of
symbols by means of another language or set of symbols. According to Malcolm Cowley,
Translation is an act that involves the recreation of a work in another
language for readers with a different background.
Definition and type o
1. The translation can be defined as the
replacement of textual material in one language source language by equivalent
textual material in one another language.
2. The translation can be practical, In
a full translation the entire text is submitted to the translation process that
is, every part of the source language is replaced by target language text
material. In a partial translation, some part or parts of the source language
text are left untranslated they are simple transferred and incorporated in the
target language text.
3. Total translation is a translation,
in which all levels source language text, language material. By restricted
translation, we means replace of source language textual material by equipment
target language textual material only one of the two levels of grammar and text
4. In normal total translation the
grammatical unit between translation equivalence are setup may by any rank and
in a long text and the rank at which translation equivalences occur are
constantly changing: at one point, the equivalence is sentences, to sentence,
to another, group, at another, words to word etc.
5. The popular terms used in translation
are free, literal and for-word translations.
Intellectual Tools Employed in Translation
Translation in an interesting
exercise. It is something technical and various books are used for treatment.
The intellectual tools, given below might not be directly related to class room
translation work but is was always useful to have the knowledge of each
facility used in this filed.
1. Knowledge of the source language.
All the time of translation one
should be aware of all aspects of it that are represented in the text for
translation, and be able to render them by appropriate choice of word order,
and punctuation. Some relevant abilities should possess are:
(a) The recognition of words and
their characteristic, as lexical unit, including the variety of meaning
possessed by a word.
(b) An appreciation of the level of
style indicated by the choice of particular words.
(c) An awareness that words different
language may more or less correspond while not being exactly equivalent more or
less correspond while not being exactly equivalent.
(d) An understanding of the
grammatical structure of the source language, adequate to identify the
inflected (non- dictionary) forms of words and their implications for the
meanings, to draw conclusion implications for the meanings, to draw conclusion
for agreement or otherwise in gender, number and case, and to understand the
abnormal word order in conveying emphasis.
(e) Sufficient familiarity with life
in the county or country where the language is spoken to be able to grep any
allusions in the text which are most fully explained there, because of being
familiar to most readers of the source language.
2. Knowledge
of the Target language:-
The target language, that is, the
language into which the documents is to the translated, is normally one that
the translator has first learned unconsciously. Some relevant abilities
required familiar to translation are:
The proper choice of words: the recognition of distinctions meaning
between nearly synonymous term or term of similar appearance, the different in
the field of usage over the whole range from very technical to entirely
non-technical: ability to use the right form of inflection of nouns, adjectives
and verb: and indeed the ability to known which of these parts of speech, in
the best choice in the given context. The translations function is carried out
over ideas and just the words used to express them.
The proper choice of words order, the recognition of the differences in
emphasis and lone, and even in meaning, resulting from a changing in the
position of words.
The proper choice of punctuation: the recognition of the difference in
emphasis resulting from change in punctuation marks used.
Knowledge of the type of language appropriate to particular type of
documents, such as patents, publicity material and ability to compile a
translation text in accordance with it.
Quick retrieval of items from one’s stored mass of information about the
target, language, without having hesitation to organize.
Adequate fluency and correctness of expressions.
3 Knowledge of the Subject:-
A Competent translations method have
acquired knowledge of the subject within which the translation job falls. He
should understand the meaning of the texts and should be familiar with the
subject. He should have the lively interest of the subject to be dealt with.
The consulting of dictionaries, encyclopedia, and text books and so on will be
much more efficient if the translator has command of the subject enable him to
go expertly through the pages.
The text is not just a string of
words to be manipulated in accordance with whose aim was convey a massage to
others, and this is what the translation too much seeks to do.
Applying one’s Knowledge:-
The translator should complete the
source language text whole and in detail. So as to establish what different the
job will present and how they can best be resolved. It is better to identify
problems and solve them before beginning to work. The translation should be
accurate to the text required by the use of it. The topics relevant to accuracy
The correct choice terms.
Care in ensuring the avoidance of accidental omission or insertions which
would alter the meaning.
Care in noticing ambiguities resolving them in accordance with the
original author’s intentions.
Care in noticing repetitive passage and avoiding meaning meaningful
variations in their wording in the translation.
Care in noticing a writer’s expressions and treating them appropriately.
Care in noticing definite or possible errors in the source language text.
translation possess a number of innate capabilities. There is natural aptitude or flairs for translating, e.g.
the ability of an equivalent proverb, or the ability to go quickly to the right
source of information of the capacity to make a discerning choice alternative
renderings that present themselves.
Others capabilities are possession of a good memory and
concentration, to prevent oversights. That translator also benefit from having
a fair degree of patience, composure and tolerance. Very translator can acquire
these capabilities by noticing how problems arise and are dealt with.
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