
Tuesday, April 12, 2016



The solved assignment # 2 for Fundamental of Business code 463 for Open University students of B.com and B A level. We are going to share the solution of fifth question of this assignment 2 code 463 while the solution of other questions can be found by clicking the following link: PRESS HERE


When a number of business or industrial undertakings combine together for enjoying some benefits a business combination forms that is called business combination. The constituent units’ conic into an agreement for fixing up the terms and conditions of combination. A combination can enjoy some economies & benefits partly by eliminating wasteful competition and partly by reducing cost of production and distribution. The business undertakings which unite together may not loss their separate entity complete merger of the constituent units is also possible when they will lose their separate entity.

Ø  Monopoly:- Where there is only one seller of a particular commodity this condition is called a "Monopoly. These monopolies pursue policies which are against the common interest of society. On government side, Railways, PIA. Electric supply. Telephone and Telegraphs, are examples of monopolies as there is no competition against prices charged by the federal Government agencies.
Ø   Pools:- A POOL is a business federation is which a number of business units join to control price by controlling their total output, market or even income. Bench pools may be "output pool•". The loose combination of suits is thus based on a "Gentlemen's agreement?
Ø  Cartel:- A cartel is an association of independent units in the same industry in matters of production and sale. It is a louse combination without affecting independence ol associating units: They may come to agreement governing selling prices. Cartels may end due to failure of the member, to keep their agreements or some outside units having started the same industry.
Ø  Gentlemen's Agreements:- These agreements have been referred to in above paragraphs. If several competing units agree to raise prices and such rise takes place, this agreement is termed as "Gentlemen's Agreement". This is however illegal as it involves restraint of competition.
Ø  Trust:- A trust signifies a consolidation of capital and the combining units fuse together their internal management. tinder this method enough share capital to control the voting power in several companies is transferred to a board of trustees. The Trustees elect Board of Directors and appoint officers to carry out the purposes for which trust has been formed. Because of their monopolistic features trusts have been declared illegal in several countries.


Following are the factors those contribute to the formation of the business combination:
1.      Destructive Competition:
Destructive competition may result into the stoppage of many firms. In order to remove the fear created by strong competition, the competing firms arrive at some sort of understanding to regulate prices and eliminate overproduction. In other words, combination may be created as a means of furthering self-interest by common action.
2.      Economies of large Scale:
A large number of economies are achieved if a business is carried on a large scale. These economies relate to production, management, financing and marketing. Small business units may combine together to reap the benefits of large scale operations and organization. This will reduce the cost of production and increase the profits of the business.
3.      Joint Stock Enterprise:
The evolution of company form of organization has also facilitated the combination of various units by acquiring shares of various companies to control their affairs. The companies under the common control through the system of inter-locking directorship can be easily combined to get many benefits of combination.
4.       Control of Market:
Combinations are created to secure steady market. Sometimes, combinations are created to control the entire market and create a monopoly which is detrimental to the interest of the consumers. By controlling the market, they can sell their products at higher prices and earn huge profits.
5.       Individual Ability:
According to Shield. ‘Great organizing ability, strategic genius, or personal ambition on the part of one or a number of men may account in part for the rise of certain business combinations. The scarcity of business talent became one of the causes of centralization of power in a few hands, endowed with business insight, business talent and business courage." Many a time, business combination a are created due to the initiative and organizing ability of an individual or a number of individuals.
6.       Lust for power:
Some businessmen have a lust for economic power which can be satisfied by creating industrial empires. Desires to bring up industrial regime lies at the back of many combinations. Individual ambition of becoming the pioneer member or coordinator of a huge combine is also one of the factors favoring combination.
7.       Business Cycles:
In uncontrolled economies, there are trade cycles. During books, firms expand to take advantage of rising demand, and during depressions, inefficient and weak firms find it difficult to survive because of lower demand. Business ups and downs generally lead to business combinations. Particularly in industries, where huge capital is employed and where demand is subject to cyclical changes, combinations occur as a revulsion against risk of burdensome overhead cost, glut, low turnover and lower process during depression.
8.      Protective tariffs:
Protective tariffs are used to encourage home industries. When the Government imposes import duty on certain items, the home manufacturers of such items are encouraged to form combination to develop their business and exploit the domestic market fully. Sometimes, national level combinations are formed to provide a united front to perpetuate protection.
9.       Government Pressure:
The Government policy may compel the weaker units to amalgamate with the stronger units so as to improve the overall efficiency of the industry. Even the Government may take over the sick units and combine them to form a viable unit and introduce rationalization in it.
10.   Miscellaneous Factors:
a) Dearth of managerial talents may lead to managerial integration of business units. Many companies have common directors which in fact mean their common control.
b) If an enterprise wants to be self-sufficient, it may combine with other units. Vertical integration is the result of desire for self-sufficiency. Under this, various units producing the related raw materials and semi-finished products are combined together so that they produce the finished products at economical prices.
c) Growth of transport and communication has increased the intensity of completion not only in the national market but also in the international market. This has resulted in the formation of multinational enterprises having subsidiaries in different countries.
d) Sometimes, firms in an industry join to avail of the benefits of patent rights of one firm. Haney has divided the above factors or forces into three categories which are as follows:
i. Driving or impelling forces consisting of cut-throat competition and decrease in the opportunity Inc speculative gains
ii. Beckoning forces which include opportunity for profits, protective traffic and gains of over capitalization
iii. Facilitating forces comprising of joint stock enterprises and other forces.


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